When the coronavirus struck, residents of Pioneer Village, our local retirement home, were confined to their rooms. Although residents and staff had started making masks, they couldn’t make them fast…

Our club's 2017 project in Tanzania was to complete a well so that several thousand Masai people living in Longido, Tanzania near the Serengeti Plain could have clean water. While…

In addition to visiting Tanzania where we recently installed a bathroom and washroom for the children's school, our club has not let COVID-19 stop us from serving our local community.…

We were pleased to award $500 to the Bella Union Restaurant as part of our Rotary Loves Jacksonville campaign. In order to promote shopping locally through the holiday season, Rotarians and…

ires, a pandemic, and more fires have created a tough situation for our local businesses. Without as many tourists as usual, it’s up to those of us who love the…

Our Club is currently planning four community service projects...all of which will be done in small groups so we can observe all the proper protocols as outlined by the Jackson…

Our Club kicked off the new Rotary year with a lovely event at Rellik Winery. Five Rotarians were presented with the prestigious Paul Harris Award, a new member was formally…

We really had fun this morning at our annual wrapping party. Each year, we adopt several families and help Santa out by providing presents for both the adults and kids.…

Pandemics rage and fires flatten neighboring towns and Rotary is there helping. In the midst of all this, regular life still happens, and Rotary is there too. One of the…

Polio is a highly infectious disease that most commonly affects children under the age of 5. It’s spread person to person, typically through contaminated water. It can attack the nervous…

What a wonderful Thanksgiving Breakfast meeting yesterday! We were honored to hear from District Governor Rick Olson, who urged us to follow our Rotary dreams. We confirmed our founding member,…

The Ruch Outdoor Community School is a gathering place for families in the Applegate Valley. In addition to being used by the students, the area is open for community members…

A big thank you to everyone who braved the rain tonight to attend our Salmon Bake. Rest easy this evening knowing that you have provided families you will never meet…

It's back to school and that means time for Powerpack! Every week, two Rotarians from our club spend a few hours filling bags of food for elementary school kids who…

Our Rotary Exchange Student arrived from Paraguay last night. He'll be attending South Medford High. Welcome, Ivan!
We're so proud of the young people in the Interact Club we sponsor at South Medford High and the work they do to make their community a better place.

Congratulations to President John Bowling and all our hard-working members. Our club was just awarded the Best Small Club at the District Conference!

"Be the Inspiration" is the theme for this Rotary year, and we got a big dose of inspiration this morning as we honored two groups of students from South Medford…

If you were one of the several thousand Masai people living in Longido, Tanzania near the Serengeti Plain, your sources for water were seasonal ponds or open wells, most of…

We're so proud of the Interact Club we sponsor at South Medford High. Each year they host March Madness where students play faculty. The goal is to raise money for…